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Monday, January 5, 2015

A Review of 2014!

If I could only describe 2014 in one word.....that word would be.....Unexpected. 
Here is a list of things that Happened in 2014 -

January - I was thinking that I was a kid again and went roller skating, while roller skating I fall several times and on the last fall, I popped my left knee. ending up in the ER for several hours waiting for the results. only to find out that I needed to go and see a specialist to figure out what was wrong with my left knee. 

February - on Feb 16th, I started talking with a great guy on a dating website called POF, which for a person who is LDS, its hard to find anyone in my religion. after being on the website for several months, I finally meet a great guy and started talking to him. after a few days of talking this amazing man, named Scott Mills asked me out on a date. I was so excited. I remember running out of my room calling for my sister and telling her that I just got asked out for a date that same night and that I needed help picking out an outfit. 
Scott came down from Salt Lake to Provo and we meet at the BYU Creamery for ice cream on the 18th of Feb. at 10 pm at night. I remember as I walked across the street towards scott, I was so shocked. he was so handsome and I was getting weak in the knees. oh, and at this time I was off of crutches and wearing a leg brace on my left knee. and by the end of feburary, scott and I were dating ( and I was already dreaming of our wedding....I know crazy but I had fallen head over heals in love with scott). 
3rd Date 

March - In March, I finally introduce Scott to my sister and her family. its seemed like everyone just got along right away. pretty magical. by March, I was also still wearing a brace, and I had fallen a few more times doing more damage to my left knee. 

April - got to love April Fools, Scott and I though I would be funny to post on Facebook that we were engaged and within the first couple of hours there were so many likes and comments of congratulations. some even asked if it was for real since it was posted on April Fools. it was fun. but no, we weren't really engaged. but we had started talking about it. by this time I had meet Scott's children and some of his family. 

May - Since Scott and I had been talking about getting engaged. I told Scott that May 19 would be the best day to propose. dropping the date several times. I wanted that date because it was my mothers birthday and she was no longer alive and my sister was proposed to by her husband on that date as will. I thought it would be a nice memory create on her birthday since she was no longer with us. He did propose on May 19th and included my sister and her family. 
June - on the 2nd of June I finally had knee surgery on my left knee. It took several weeks to heal and I was on crutches for the whole month.

August - On the 23rd of August Scott and I got Married. On that day, I became a wife and a step mother. 
it was the most amazing beautiful wedding ever. I got to dance at my wedding, with no crutches. that was nice. 

so the rest of this year I have been getting use to being a wife and a step mother. 
I am hoping that this next year will be full of joy and fun and loads of learning 
experiences as I learn my new role as Wife and Step Mother. 

That's my year review of 2014. 
I hope yours was just as unexpected as mine was and 
that this new year is full of Adventure. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

33 Goals for 2014 (Updated 3/10/2014)

Hopefully I will be able to achieve all of these or at least more then half of them. I want 2014 to be a great year.

1. lose 70 pounds (I have lost 7 pounds so far this year) 
2. Get a job in my field of work (office administration)
3. pay off Medical bills
4. Save up to $3000 in account.
5. Get a new car
6. Go on a weekend trip
7. Visit with family (who live out of state)
8. Hike as many trails in Utah as I can this summer
9. Pay my sister and brother in law back.
10. Blog more
11. get a boyfriend (Wahoo! I have a Boyfriend, was not thinking that is one would come true but it did) 
12. Learn how to sew ( I want to make some skirts)
13. Go to a Concert
14. Take a cooking class
15. Visit Sun dance in park city
16. go to an Opera
17. shopping spree for new clothes after losing 70 pounds
18. rent a cabin for the weekend
19. Learn to Fish
20.Get a massage
21. Stop drinking soda and drink more water
22. go to social events other then dances and firesides
23. listen to conference talks (at least one conference session each month) (So, far I have listen to about 4 conference talks, I need to work better on this one, but feeling good)
24. Learn a new language
25. Plan my sister's baby shower (Have the date sit and just needing more money to get things together)
26.  Meet someone famous
27. Sing a Solo ( I didn't sing a solo but I sang a duet at my nephews baptism this year, does that count? )
28. Crochet a baby blanket for sister
29. Volunteer
30. Learn to make bread
31.Attend a masquerade.
32. talk to at least Three new people ever singles event (activity)
33. go on 10 dates ( I have gone on 6 Dates so far with my boyfriend so I am sure that I will be able to cross this goal off soon) 

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Motivational Poster

I created this motivational poster a few months ago, its hanging on my wall above my bed, so that when I wake up in the morning, its the first thing I see. however, there are days that I forget to read it and there are days that I do read it. I find it very helpful. I did a google search on motivational quotes on losing weight and used other words to find quotes for inspiration. I also find pictures that would help me too.

Good Luck on your Journey!!!


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